Why is that any e-mail that I get from a yarn store that has the words 'fun and exciting' yarn in it invariably means 'hideous and furry'?
It's a conspiracy, I know it!
Not much to report of late...work continues on the never ending shawl which I've pretty much decided I will NOT be giving to the person I was originally making it for as it's not at all fabulous enough for her. I've since ordered a different colorway/yarn for her shawl in the hopes it will be far more fantastic. Of course that means I have to finish this one and that her present will be much delayed but it's what I get for being a picky, I suppose. A local friend has offered, if it's cool enough for her when it's done, to buy the current one off of me should I ever actually, like, do something as radical as actually finish the bloody thing.
It's a conspiracy, I know it!
Not much to report of late...work continues on the never ending shawl which I've pretty much decided I will NOT be giving to the person I was originally making it for as it's not at all fabulous enough for her. I've since ordered a different colorway/yarn for her shawl in the hopes it will be far more fantastic. Of course that means I have to finish this one and that her present will be much delayed but it's what I get for being a picky, I suppose. A local friend has offered, if it's cool enough for her when it's done, to buy the current one off of me should I ever actually, like, do something as radical as actually finish the bloody thing.