Friday, April 28, 2006

Why is that any e-mail that I get from a yarn store that has the words 'fun and exciting' yarn in it invariably means 'hideous and furry'?

It's a conspiracy, I know it!

Not much to report of continues on the never ending shawl which I've pretty much decided I will NOT be giving to the person I was originally making it for as it's not at all fabulous enough for her. I've since ordered a different colorway/yarn for her shawl in the hopes it will be far more fantastic. Of course that means I have to finish this one and that her present will be much delayed but it's what I get for being a picky, I suppose. A local friend has offered, if it's cool enough for her when it's done, to buy the current one off of me should I ever actually, like, do something as radical as actually finish the bloody thing.

Monday, April 10, 2006

There's a rule somewhere that if you're going to drop a stitch while knitting lace it will be on the last row of a pattern repeat and it WILL be a yarn over.

Yes, I did rip ten rows of the shawl I'm making out over the weekend, why do you ask?

Other than that lace is fun and frustrating at the same time...I'm looking forward to blocking it so that I can actually see the pattern instead of a rather crumbled thing full of holes (assuming that it won't look like a crumpled thing full of holes when it's's hoping anyway!)

The blanket is on hold currently while I work on the shawl as I have a deadline for the shawl. I did twenty rows yesterday along with ripping out and hunting out the stitches from my lifeline to fix it. I almost wish I had a very thin plastic or wood piece to use in place of a thread for a lifeline when doing will keep it from unravelling but it's not always that easy to pick up the stitches afterwards.

Or maybe I just suck more than a lamprey with big sharp pointy teeth?