Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Moving on up.

Once again I fail muchly at updating this though this time I at least have the excuse of having been preparing to move after ten years in the same place.

(pause while I run down the street flailing my arms and screaming)

Ahem, what was I saying? Ah yes, moving. It's only upstairs actually, they're remodelling our apartment complex and the choice of "Move to a more expensive place here that's remodelled or find a new place in sixty days" Needless to say we chose the first option though the rent increase is going to mean that things are going to be very tight in the fox-o-sphere, I'm afraid. I'll try and refrain from any more flailing and screaming though.

So that's happening Saturday. I haven't been doing much in the way of knitting because of it, I'm afraid, though I've been doing a bit of spinning here and there...I find it's easier to pick up and put down and a bit more relaxing in the grand scheme of things. Except when it's not. So I've finished another 124 yards of the endless bag of merino in 2 ply, and started spinning some lovely fiber I obtained from my friend Reesa, both of which will probably have pictures forthcoming as soon as I manage to remember where I stuffed my camera to keep it out of the way.

I've also been failing at keeping up with my other art (come to think of it, I've never posted any links here to that, have I? I'll have to remedy that sometime) but I need to crack down when I move as I'm pondering actually putting some in the art show at a convention in Jan. Though that idea has a bit of arm flailing potential as well, I'm afraid.


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