I have no yarn over and I must scream...
Been busy lately. On top of the never ending blanket I have exactly two rows of what will eventually be socks that I started and then put down and the beginnings of a lace shawl that I'm making for a friend's birthday...if I can actually stop ripping the thing out every ten or fifteen rows. We hateses lace work, we do!
Actually it's kind of fun in a masochist sort of way, I suppose. And it shur is pretty when it turns out right although I thinking the particular pattern needs to be blocked to hell and back to give it the same sort of shape as the picture of said pattern as it's knitting pretty much up into a plain triangle-ish shape rather than one with scalloped edges (and after restarting the thing at least five times I can guarantee that the beginning isn't wrong!) I really do need to crack down on the shawl though as I have a deadline, obviously, and a new video game or two arriving this week to distract me from said shawl.
So currently the score is: Shawl for when I'm paying attention, blanket for tv knitting, sock for whenever I get around to actually working on something that I'm only making to make to learn how to do it.
The roommate that I've corrupted with knitting is currently working on a 2x2 ribbed scarf in horrific green acrylic yarn that I gave him from the depths of my stash because I knew I'd never use it. He's also now got a fair amount of black and gray wool ease yarn and some fuzzy muppet yarn that he bought willingly...be afraid, be very afraid...
Actually it's kind of fun in a masochist sort of way, I suppose. And it shur is pretty when it turns out right although I thinking the particular pattern needs to be blocked to hell and back to give it the same sort of shape as the picture of said pattern as it's knitting pretty much up into a plain triangle-ish shape rather than one with scalloped edges (and after restarting the thing at least five times I can guarantee that the beginning isn't wrong!) I really do need to crack down on the shawl though as I have a deadline, obviously, and a new video game or two arriving this week to distract me from said shawl.
So currently the score is: Shawl for when I'm paying attention, blanket for tv knitting, sock for whenever I get around to actually working on something that I'm only making to make to learn how to do it.
The roommate that I've corrupted with knitting is currently working on a 2x2 ribbed scarf in horrific green acrylic yarn that I gave him from the depths of my stash because I knew I'd never use it. He's also now got a fair amount of black and gray wool ease yarn and some fuzzy muppet yarn that he bought willingly...be afraid, be very afraid...