Thursday, February 23, 2006

Well, here we go...

So this is all new and stuff...who knows how much I'll actually use it but we'll give it a shot. A bit about me is the place to start I guess. I'm a 32 year old gay male in the SF/bay area who's been knitting for about six months or so now and is pretty addicted at the moment. I grew up with a mom who crocheted constantly and never could teach me because she's left handed and I'm right handed (or so she claimed) but I used to wind her yarn balls for her and play with the yarn in general when she let me.

Anyway, having many friends who knit and are very vocal about it, and having a fairly large obsession with knowing how to make things from the beginning I finally picked up needles and yarn in June when I was home sick from work and feeling grumpy and bored. With the never ending ball of purple acrylic yarn that I still have a fair bit of I, I screamed, bitched, complained and made some hideously ugly things before getting the hang of the basics and making a scarf or two before moving on to bigger and better things (arm warmers, stuffed animals, suck at lace so far...the usual stuff)

Currently the only project I have in the works is a lap blanket that I bought the yarn for ages ago and finally sat down to start...good tv watching project...though one of the colors isn't working out as well as I hoped.


Blogger Will Pillage For Yarn said...


One of us! One of us! One of us!

11:17 AM  

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